Strukturel magt


  • Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen


Structural power.  Power is a key concept within political science. The majority of political scientists argue that power should be defined in behavioural terms as a relation of coercion between human agents. The traditional view confines power to human behaviour and directly observable actions and reactions. Yet, it can be argued that power should not be confined to human conduct. Drawing upon modern sociological, structuration theory it is possible to generate a concept of structural power that goes beyond the behaviouralist perspective. Power is coercion, but the concept of power also refers to agents’ structural capabilities. In a fundamental sense the concept of structural power directs attention to the unequal resources agents derive from their structural positions within the societal system. Moreover, structural power is intimately linked to other key notions, such as anticipated reactions and enduring relations of control. Finally, the structuralist perspective on power is highly needed when illuminating permanent barriers to full democratisation in modern society. Unequal resources and social inequality represent major obstacles to the realization of the principle of political equality.




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