Kompetensförsörjningens geografi
Om yrkeshögskolans expansion, organisering och platsförankring
The Geography of Skill Formation: On the Expansion, Organization, and Localization of Swedish Higher Vocational Education Uncertainty about future skill needs in the labor market has accelerated the adoption of flexible reskilling and upskilling policies. In recent decades, substantial public investment has been allocated to higher vocational education (HVE) for adults. This article investigates the organization of HVE in Sweden, focusing on its geographical expansion across urban-rural divides and its impact on labor market mobility. The findings indicate increasing geographical immobility among HVE student cohorts between 2005 and 2020, coinciding with the expansion of this educational segment. Furthermore, analysis of training providers who applied for and received state funding reveals significant disparities in how HVE expansion has reached different municipalities and labor market regions. Despite being state-funded, HVE’s growth is predominantly driven by private providers, which seem to have concentrated educational opportunities in densely populated areas