Nils O. Erlandsson: Förlegad mandatfördelning och kommunal kretsindelning - avsevärda hinder för demokratisk rättvisa i allmänna val


  • Nils O. Erlandsson


Old-fashioned distribution of seats and subdivision of municipalities into consti-tuencies — considerable obstacles for democraticjustice in general elections. It is pointed out that the current oldfashioned method for distributing seats to political parties can be replaced by the Integer Method, which is a simple percentage calculation on the votes resulting in an improved proportionality. On comparison between traditional methods like the adjusted odd number method and the Integer Method, a number of disagreements are found with respect to the number of  seats actually distributed due to a basic systematic mistake. In elections in large municipalities, the sub-division into constituencies gives rise to seat number disagreements with the effect that old-fashioned distributions overestimate right-wing numbers in relation to left-wing ones. Examples of actual distributions are listed. It is proposed that the traditional methods are reconsidered in favor of the Rounding Method and that each municipality be a single constituent all to the benefit of democracy.




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