Stadsregioner som demos i Sverige?


  • Anders Lidström
  • Niklas Eklund
  • Kerstin Westin


Could city-regions, i.e. core cities with a commuting hinterland, function as demos and units for regional governance in Sweden? This question is explored through the application of four criteria, mainly generated from communitarian theory. In order to function as a demos, a city-region should be a functional region, citizens should identify with, and be politically oriented towards the city-region and introducing an elected government for the city-region should have popular support. These criteria are tested in two city-regions of diferent sizes – Göteborg and Umeå – using representative citizen surveys. The analysis indicates that all four criteria are met in both city-regions, but more distinctively in the Göteborg region. As an example, a regional reform in Sweden is outlined, with nine city-regions and 3-4 rural regions. However, it is concluded that it is unlikely that more fundamental reforms will take place, due to the strong position of current municipalities and county/ regional governments



