Samhällsplaneringens demokratiska utmaning. Samspelet mellan medborgare och staden i förnyelseprojekt som ombyggnaden av Slussenområdet
Michele Micheletti
How and why does urban planning challenge local governance? This article develops a theoretical model for studying the interplay among citizens, politicians and bureaucrats in urban planning processes. It incorporates insights from several research fields and addresses key issues in renewal controversy: citizen participation; government responsiveness and planning’s political legitimacy. The model is applied in a preliminary study of the renewal of the Slussen area in Stockholm. This renewal controversy shows similarities with other planning controversies in Sweden and abroad. But an important diference is the dominant role played by expert citizens (former high level politicians, civil servants and other professionals) who have employed their work experience and networks to oppose the city’s plan; many continue to protest even after their ideas have been voted down in Stockholm City Council and rejected by courts. Preliminary results show weaknesses in the interplay between expert citizens, politicians and bureaucrats in this case of urban renewal.