”Gör en analys!” – Om studenters svårigheter att vetenskapligt analysera politik – och vad vi som lärare kan göra åt det
“Analyse this!” Teaching analytical skills in political science The importance of students’ independent and analytical approach is constantly emphasized in the syllabi and grading criteria of political science-courses in the university. Still, a recurring problem seems to be that students all too rarely achieve these skills. Teachers often complain that students’ texts either become too descriptive, or lean on loosely personal opinions. Based on three research project on pedagogical issues that are actualized in higher education teaching and learning political science, this article forwards a discussion on what prevents students from developing an analytical approach. The ambition is also to discuss the pedagogical implications of the results generated from the research projects. How can univer- sity teaching about politics help students developing their analytical skills? What teaching practices appear to be fruitful?