Testing the Effects of Personality-Related Beliefs on Micro-PK
micro-psychokinesis, micro-PK, mind-matter interactioin, quantum measurement, intentional observation, personality traits, Unus Mundus, Model of Pragmatic InformationAbstract
Objective.This preregistered study investigates mind-matter interactions by testing observer effects on quantum random number generator (QRNG) outcomes mediated by implicit intentions. Methods. We evaluated participants' personality traits (PTs), and presented them with goal-related or neutral stimuli based on QRNG outputs. We predicted deviations from chance, with high PT scorers expected to observe more PT-related sentences. We conducted three micro-psychokinesis (micro-PK) experiments for Cluster C's PTs: dependent, avoidant, and obsessive-compulsive. Results. The results revealed strong evidence (Bayes Factor > 10) for a micro-PK effect in the dependent PT group, with high scorers observing more sentences addressing their concerns than expected by chance. We did not find strong evidence for the other PT groups or low scorers. Conclusion. These findings suggest that intentional observation biases QRNG outcomes related to individuals' implicit concerns, potentially leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. The study's implications are discussed within the Unus Mundus model and the Model of Pragmatic Information.
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