Lennart Engstrand och Mats Gustafsson: Drawings of Scandinavian Plants 97-99 Chenopodium L.
Mats Thulin: Gunillaea and Namacodon. Two New Genera of Campanulaceae in Africa
D. M. Moore och Bronwen Yates: Armeria L. in South America
Tasneem Fathima Khaleel: Embryology of Cynoglossum denticulatum DC
Amare Getahun: Developmental Anatomy of Seedlings of Anchoté, Coccinia abyssinica (W. & A.) Cogn. (Cucurbitaceae)
Gunnar Weimarck: Population Structures in Higher Plants as Revealed by Thin-layer Chromatographic Patterns
Ole Hamann: Contributions to the Flora and Vegetation of the Galápagos Islands I. New Floristic Records from the Archipelago
Ole Hamann: Contributions to the Flora and Vegetation of the Galápagos Islands II. A New Subspecies of Lycopodium from the Archipelago
Khwaja J. Ahmad: Cuticular and Epidermal Structures in Some Species of Eranthemum and Pseuderanthemum (Acanthaceae)
Chuan-ying Chao: Megasporogenesis and Megagametogenesis in Paspalum commersonii and P. longifolium at Two Polyploid Levels
Per Wendelbo: Tulipa kurdica sp. nov. from Iraq
Siegmar-W. Breckle: Notes on Alpine and Nival Flora of the Hindu Kush, East Afghanistan
Hubbard, C. E.: Gräser, Beschreibung, Verbreitung, Verwendung. Anmäld av Gunnar Weimarck
Bidault, M.: Variation et spéciatíon chez les végétaux supérieurs. Notions fondamentales se systématique moderne. Anmäld av Gunnar Weimarck
Encke, F. och Buckheim, G (eds): Zander, Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen. Anmäld av Ove Almborn
Ehrendorfer, F.: Liste der Gefäss-Pflanzen Mitteleuropas. Anmäld av Ove Almborn
Jalas, J. och Suominen, J. (eds): Atlas Florae Europaeae. 1. Pteridophyta (Psilotaceae to Azollaceae). Anmäld av Ove Almborn