Tycho Norlindh: Botaniska Notiser. En kort historik
Tycho Norlindh: Botaniska Notiser. A historical survey
Artur Håkansson: Endosperm Formation in Myrica Gale L.
Per-Olof Lindahl: Some Interesting Lichens from the West of Scotland (Argyll)
Britta Lundblad: Contributions to the Geological History of the Hepaticae. II. On a Fossil Member of the Marchantiineae from the Mesozoic Plant-bearing Deposits near Lago San Martin Patagonia (Lower Cretaceous)
Tore Levring: Some Remarks on the Structure of the Gametes and the Reproduction of Ulva lactuca
Nils Malmer och Hugo Sjörs: Some Deteminations of Elementary Constituents in Mire Plants and Peat
Börje Norén: Studies on Myxobacteria. III. Organic Factors in Nutrition
Förhandlingar 1954
F. E. Wimmer: Campanulaceae - Lobelioideae. Anmäld av Bo Peterson
Willi Christiansen: Neue kritische Flora con Schleswig-Holstein. Anmäld av Ove Almborn
W. O. James: Plant respiration. Anmäld av Lennart Eliasson
John Gilmour & Max Walters: Wild Flowers. Botanising in Britain - The New Naturalist 5. Anmäld av Torsten Håkansson