Den motvilligt engagerade altruisten. Om partimedlemskap och partiaktivism


  • Gissur Ó Erlingsson
  • Mikael Persson
  • Richard Öhrvall


Why become a party member and a local councillor?

What are the causes for political party membership? And why do some members take a further step and candidate for political parties in local parliament elections? We evaluate these questions using a Swedish survey of local politicians. The article reports three main findings. First, the results do not support that social status, career ambitions and material rewards are causes behind participation in political parties. Rather, sense of civic duty has a strong impact. Second, many representatives refer to the fact that they were recruited as a main factor influencing their participation. Third, our results show that active local party members describe themselves as ‘reluctantly active altruists’, driven by civic duty and recruited by others. A minority became active by their own initiative, and a majority got involved in party politics after being recruited.

Key words: Political parties, political participation, party membership, civic duty



