Welcome to the First OAPEN Conference


  • OAPEN Conference Head Office, Lund University Libraries, Lund, Sweden


The future of academic publishing is Open Access – make sure you join us and come to The First OAPEN Conference February 24, 2011 – February 25, 2011, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin There will be a limited number of participants, so don’t hesitate and register now at http://meetings.copernicus.org/oapen2011/..

The aim of this conference is to create awareness for the Open Access future of academic monographs in the humanities and social sciences. Of course, the results of the OAPEN project will be presented, but there are also internationally-recognized speakers from the various stakeholder groups involved in book publishing in the humanities and social sciences: rectors, librarians, funders of research and publishers.

Sijbolt Noorda, chairman of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands, day president - confirmed
prof. Gary Hall, Coventry University - not confirmed
Bernard Rentier, rector of Université de Liège and president of EOS - confirmed
Eelco Ferwerda, coordinator of OAPEN - confirmed
Jan Hagerlid, Royal Library in Sweden - confirmed
Lisbeth Söderqvist, Associate Professor and Research Officer at the Swedish Research Council - confirmed
Eloy Rodrigues, Library Director of the University of Minho - confirmed
Sven Fund, publisher of Mouton/Walter de Gruyter - confirmed

Round-table chaired by Sijbolt Noorda:
Jos Engelen, president of Netherlands Research Council - confirmed
Francis André, direction de l'information scientifique et technique, CNRS France - confirmed
Norbert Lossau, director of the State and University Library of Göttingen - confirmed

We hope to see you in Berlin next year! the OAPEN partners,
drs. Saskia C.J. de Vries directeur/uitgever



In Short