The First Sparks and the Far Horizons

Stirring up the Thinking on the Earliest Scandinavian Urbanization Processes – Again


  • Mats Mogren The County Administrative Board of Scania & Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University


The author stresses the need for new input into research on Early Medieval (6th–11th century) urbanization processes in Scandinavia. A multi-pronged approach is suggested, where the societal structure of the region and period must be re-evaluated using hitherto relatively untried theoretical tools, such as a heterarchical perspective, the heterogeneticorthogenetic conceptual pair, and a deconstruction of the bewildering concept of central place. It also includes a necessary critique of the “power paradigm”, current for 30 years. It is further stressed that comparative material should be sought globally. The Swahili coast of East Africa and maritime Southeast Asia are presented as the most operative comparison regions, due to a number of similar traits shared by the three areas. Network building with the chosen areas aims at a shared future understanding of the causes of the first sparks of urbanization.





